Do you suffer from erectile dysfunction, low desire, soft and short-lived erections? Are the old pills not working like they used to? Is your sexual performance stressing you out and affecting your confidence?

For the next week, we are giving away just (50) FREE 30 MINUTE VIRTUAL CONSULTATIONS, PLUS SLASHING 50% OFF our mobile focused shockwave treatment packages which include a FREE Uroshock device ($500 value)


For the next week, we are giving away just (50) FREE 30 MINUTE VIRTUAL CONSULTATIONS, PLUS SLASHING 50% OFF our mobile focused shockwave treatment packages which include a FREE Uroshock device ($500 value)

There is no better time like now to take control of your health! Click and claim your consultation!


Popular Prescriptions Don’t Always Work and Can be Dangerous.

If you suffer from ED, you may think that expensive prescription drugs are the only solution, but those drugs can drain your wallet pretty quickly. Even worse, prescription ED medications can trigger harmful side effects in many men, leading to more health problems. Also, pills do not correct the underlying root cause, and they always eventually stop working.

What is UroShock and how does it work?

Uroshock works by providing acoustic waves that generate cellular changes. These waves not only help to break up plaque, but they also produce mechanical energy that the cells convert to biochemical signals. This in turn results in release of growth factors and attract stem cells. This process takes time, and so the best results occur when patients are on a schedule. There are a variety of different schedules in the literature, and our protocols are based upon the most recent published data.

Our Treatment Program is Different!

Focused low-intensity shockwave therapy has been validated by hundreds of studies safe and effective ED treatment, and can help you enjoy a rich and fulfilling romantic life. It is highly effective in treating mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. In patients with erectile dysfunction of longer duration, it may help patients get an improved more reliable response from pills. If you want to know if you are a good candidate for focused shockwave therapy, simply enter your info and schedule your appointment today!

Do you have a complicated medical history? That’s generally not a problem…

You don’t have to choose between great sex and your health. We likely have a solution even if you have underlying medical problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes. Our doctors consider your complete medical history before recommending any treatment. Your safety is always our greatest concern.

Benefits from Shockwave Therapy:

  • ​Improved blood flow from shockwave therapy can lead to better erections and make you feel younger, stronger and more vital.
  • ​Focused shockwaves are much more powerful than radial shockwave devices that are commonly used by some clinics. 
  • ​Treatment sessions are 15-20 minutes.
  • ​Stimulates increased blood flow and regenerates nerves, thereby improving function and sensation
  • ​You’ll receive a tailor-made treatment plan designed by our urologists specifically for your needs.
  • ​Most patients experience overall improved performance, with very few side effects.

We are now offering in-person appointments!

 Here's what our Satisfied Customers have to say...

"My appointment was remote & Dr Kaplan is the best, very professional and patient with all my questions Dr.Kaplan was great."

"Dr Kaplan made everything easy to understand and made me feel at ease!"

"Doctor Kaplan was very patient and informative with me about his treatment and practice! He answered all my questions about the procedure!"

"The doctor is very personable and made the appointment comfortable. I feel based off of his guidance that I'm more knowledgeable with what's going on with myself"

"Everything was great more that what I expected it doctor explained everything to me and the treatment was done in professional way and on time I hope my treatment gives me the results I am waiting for"

"Dr. Michael Kaplan is a true American national treasure. A professional at all times and very knowledgeable . I am veery greatful for Dr. Kaplan."

"When I started this it was six appointments still is and as bad as I was I did not think it would be enough. But after each of my appointments I was shocked at how much better I was . My wife is also a very happy woman. I'm putting big smiles on her face. So guys don't wait make that call . My Doctor is great and he comes to me . Believe me you'll love the outcome and the price. Don't wait get it done"

"Dr. Kaplan provides a very effective and discrete service that I would highly recommend to anyone that could benefit from this procedure. Dr. Kaplan manages the process to make sure that you are always comfortable. Very professional and informed process."

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